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The Summer 2016/2017 Newsletter is now out http://eepurl.com/cvJFUPWishing everyone a Happy New Year on behalf of the Naval Base Holiday Association Committee
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Welcome to our community

The Naval Base Shacks consists of 178 shacks settled on the mainland, along Cockburn Road in Henderson. It has been a family holiday destination for thousands of Western Australians since 1933. A diverse range of people from all walks of life enjoy the Naval Base Shacks. It is a place where all people, of all occupations and walks of life mix together and enjoy this amazing holiday destination, the only of its kind in the Perth Region.
Naval Base Caravan Park has been used for recreation by many generations of families from not only Cockburn but from a wide range of metropolitan and country locations.
It has an exceptional social historical value as a popular and well used holiday destination. Naval Base Caravan Park is a good example of holiday camps which used to exist along the Western Australian coastline but have disappeared in the face of development.
The Future Management of the Site
The City of Cockburn endorsed a Management Plan for the Naval Base Shack Site in March 2014. This is a mammoth step for the city - and a huge leap from where the site appeared to be heading under the City's control in 2010-2011. This is no doubt due to the dedication, persistance and perserverance of the Naval base Shack Association and all of the Shack Owners at the Site. Congratulations to all involved in preserving a peice of History!
Link to the City of Cockburn Website - Naval Base Shacks Page
For information in relation to Naval Base Shack Building Requirements please contact the City's Building Services Department on:
Phone: 08 9411 3444
For any further enquiries please contact City of Cockburn and ask for the Property and Lands Officer.
Phone: 08 9411 3444